Hill Brothers Chemical Co. -- Aqua Ammonia -- -
===================== Product Identification ===================== Product ID:Aqua Ammonia MSDS Date:1/02/86 Kit Part:=== Responsible Party === Company Name:Hill Brothers Chemical Co. Address:1675 No. Main Street City:Orange State:CA ZIP:92867 Country:US Info Phone Num:714-998-8800 Chemtrec Ind/Phone:800-424-9300 === Contractor Identification === Company Name:Hill Brothers Chemical Co. Address:1675 No. Main Street Box:City:Orange State:CA ZIP:92867 Country:US Phone:714-998-8800 CAGE: ============= Composition/Information on Ingredients ============= Ingred Name:Ammonia CAS:1336-21-6 Fraction by Wt: 14-30% OSHA PEL:25 ppm 18 mg/m³ ACGIH TLV:25 ppm 18 mg/m³ ACGIH STEL:35 ppm ===================== Hazards Identification ===================== Routes of Entry: Inhalation:Yes Skin:Yes Ingestion:Yes Reports of Carcinogenicity:NTP:No IARC:No OSHA:Yes Health Hazards Acute and Chronic:Ingestion: Ingestion causes burning pain in mouth, throat, stomach, and thorax, constriction of throat, and coughing. This is soon followed by vomiting of blood or by passage of loose stools containing blood. Ingestion of 3-4 ml may be fatal., Inhalation: If inhaled, will cause nausea, vomiting, breathing difficulty, and convulsions. Shock or loss of consciousness may result. Brief exposure to 5000 ppm may be fatal., Skin: , Eyes: Vapor is irritating to the eyes. Liquid will cause burns. NFPA Rating: Health - 3; Fire - 1; Reactivity - 0 0=Insignificant 1=Slight 2=Moderate 3=High 4=Extreme Effects of Overexposure:Burning of the eyes, conjunctivitis, skin irritation, swelling of the eyelids and lips, dry red mouth and tongue, burning in the throat, and coughing. In more severe cases of exposure, difficulty in breathing, signs and symptoms of lung congestion, and, ultimately, death from respiratory failure due to pulmonary edema may occur., Effects of Overexposure: Irritation and possible burns of the skin and mucous membranes. Headache, salivation, nausea, and vomiting. Difficult or labored breathing and cough with bloody mucous discharge. Bronchitis, laryngitis, hemoptysis, and pulmonary edema or pneumonitis. Ulceration of the conjunctiva and cornea, and corneal and lenticular opacities. Damage to the eyes may be permanent. Medical Cond Aggravated by Exposure:Ammonia is a respiratory irritant. persons with impaired pulmonary function may be at increased risk from exposure. ======================= First Aid Measures ======================= First Aid:Ingestion: Do Not Induce Vomiting. If person is conscious, give large quantities of water and, if possible, diluted vinegar, lemon juice, orange juice, or other citric juices to neutralize the ammonia. Delay may cause perforation of esophagus or stomach. OBTAIN MEDICAL ATTENTION.Inhalation: Remove victim to fresh air. Give oxygen if breathing is difficult. If breathing has stopped, start artifical respiration. Keep victim calm and resting. OBTAIN MEDICAL ATTENTION.Skin: Apply water immediately to exposed areas of skin and continue for at least 15 minutes. Remove contaminated clothing while continuing to apply water. Do not apply salves or ointments to affected areas. OBTAIN MEDICAL ATTENTION.Eyes: Immediately flush with flowing water for at least 15 minutes with the eyelids held apart. OBTAIN MEDICAL ATTENTION. ===================== Fire Fighting Measures ===================== Autoignition Temp:850° C; 1560° F Lower Limits:16% by volume Ammonia gas Upper Limits:25% by volume Ammonia gas Extinguishing Media:Water spray or fog type streams. Chemical or CO2 should be used on small fires only. Fire Fighting Procedures:Stop the flow of liquid. Use water to keep fire exposed containers cool and to protect men affecting the shut off. Wear self-contained breathing apparatus and full protective clothing. Approach fire upwind and evacuate area downwind if needed. Unusual Fire/Explosion Hazard:The presence of oil or other combustible materials will increase the fire hazard. The explosive (flammable) range of ammonia is broadened by a mixture of oxygen replacing air, and by temperature and pressure higher than atmospheric. ================== Accidental Release Measures ================== Spill Release Procedures:Stop the flow. Wear self-contained breathing apparatus and full protective clothing. Approach spill from upwind and evacuate area downwind. Prevent runoff from entering streams, drinking water supply or sewers. Dike to contain spill. Dilute with water, if necessary to reduce ammonia vaporization. Can be neutralized with dilute phosphoric or sulfuric acids. Vinegar will effectively neutralize small spills of aqua ammonia. Neutralizing Agent: ====================== Handling and Storage ====================== Handling and Storage Precautions:Avoid heating containers of aqua ammonia. Avoid storing in close proximity to strong acids. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Avoid inhalation of vapors. Other Precautions:Harmful to aquatic life in very low concentrations. May be dangerous if it enters water intakes. Notify local health and wildlife officials. Do not contaminate any body of water by direct application, cleaning of equipment or disposal. ============= Exposure Controls/Personal Protection ============= Ventilation:Local exhaust is essential. Spark-proof fans desirable with mechanical ventilation. Ducts should be located at ceiling level and lead upwards to the outside. Local exhaust must be adequate to reduce ammonia concentration below 25 ppm. Eye Protection:Tight fitting chemical safety and splash-proof goggles and/or a splash-proof faceshield must be worn if there is a likelihood of exposure. Persons subject to ammonia exposure must not wear contact lenses. Other Protective Equipment: Rubber boots, gloves, apron, and coat. Eyewash fountain and safety shower should be available in the work area. Work Hygienic Practices:Avoid contact with skin and avoid breathing vapors. Do not eat, drink, or smoke in work area. Wash hands before eating, drinking, or using restroom. Supplemental Safety and Health ================== Physical/Chemical Properties ================== Boiling Pt:B.P. Text:82.8-140.4°F @ 14.7 PSIA Vapor Pres:Vapor Density:0.6 @ 32°F pH:12-14 Solubility in Water:100% Appearance and Odor:Colorless liquid with pungent odor Physical State: Liquid How to detect this compound : Smell. The odor threshold for Aqua Ammonia is 1-5 ppm. Percent Volatiles by Volume:14-30% Corrosion Rate: ================= Stability and Reactivity Data ================= Stability Indicator/Materials to Avoid:Stable Contact with mercury, chlorine, bromine, iodine, calcium, silver oxide, or hypochlorite can form explosive compounds. Stability Condition to Avoid:Heat, open flames, and electrical equipment and fixtures which are not vapor-proof or grounded. Hazardous Decomposition Products:Ammonia is lightly reactive, easily undergoing oxidation, substitution and addition reactions. Combustion of ammonia will yield small amounts of nitrogen and water. Conditions to Avoid Polymerization: =================== Toxicological Information =================== Toxicological Information:Toxicity by Ingestion: Oral rat, LD50: 350 mg/kg ==================== Disposal Considerations ==================== Waste Disposal Methods:Consult Federal, State, or Local authorities for proper disposal procedures. =================== MSDS Transport Information =================== Transport Information:DOT Proper Shipping Name: Ammonia Solutions or Ammonium Hydroxide DOT Hazard Class/ I.D. No.: 8, UN2672, III ===================== Regulatory Information ===================== SARA Title III Information:This product contains the following toxic chemcial(s) subject to the reporting requirements of SARA TITLE III Section 313 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-To Know Act of 1986 and of 40 CFR 372: CAS # Chemical Name % By Weight 1336-21-6 Ammonium Hydroxide 14-30% Federal Regulatory Information:Reportable Quantity: 1000 Pounds (454 Kilograms) (134 Gal.) NFPA Rating is for Ammonia, Anhydrous, Liquefied Gas only. Ammonia Solutions are not rated by the NFPA (National Fire Protection Association). Toxicity by Ingestion: Oral rat, LD50: 350 mg/kg IDLH Value*: 300 ppm *The Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health Value State Regulatory Information: ======================= Other Information ======================= Disclaimer (provided with this information by the compiling agencies): This information is formulated for use by elements of the Department of Defense. The United States of America in no manner whatsoever, expressly or implied, warrants this information to be accurate and disclaims all liability for its use. Any person utilizing this document should seek competent professional advice to verify and assume responsibility for the suitability of this information to their particular situation.